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Being pregnant in Jakarta

It's tough. Especially if you're a working-pregnant woman who commutes everyday using commuter line train and TransJakarta bus. Yes, there are special seats for pregnant women in the train and the TransJakarta, but you just can't help it when it's rush hour and you're departing from the 3rd-4th-5th-and more stations or bus shelters where the mentioned public transportation are already filled and crowded from other commuting people (hah, what an ineffective sentence). I witnessed, several freaking times, where I saw pregnant woman stands in the middle of crowded passengers, both on the train and the bus. Trying to hold and protect their tummy from the pressure. Oh, I'd give my seat, if I myself were sitting. And of course I helped them to find a seat and sit down. But that one time I couldn't help her to sit down as the priority seats in front of us were already full of pregnant woman. It really bothers me the whole ride because we can't move either, ...

Good bye, words

The words are walking around And she grabs them, word by word, places them on her mind, arranges them in order "I have them, but they don't have me" Those words mean something, she says They are representing something And then she chases more words She's hoping her heart would be at ease Words are running faster Then she manages to catch them all "I would do anything for them" She's catching her breath But that was hard, she says Why are they running? I'll stop, she says I'm always looking for the words But they never look for me I, I give up.. It's been a good time, a great time But it was one way, not the other Then she let those words go It's a good bye

16 Februari 2015

16 Februari 2015, 08:30 Awak duduak di kursi, sadang manunggu mbak Rini yang ka maagiah tau awak tentang magang iko. Iyo, awak karajo. Walaupun magang tapi saindaknyo awak ado kegiatan, ado karajo, basalang satu minggu abis wak wisuda. Ndak banyak urang yang langsuang dapek kesempatan karajo mode awak, jadi awak bersyukur. Tapi beda jo ama wak, agak barek hatinyo caliak awak cuma jadi anak magang. Jujur awak agak sadiah. Tapi baa lah, yo namonyo gaek pasti nionyo anak dapek karajo tetap abis wisuda. Apo lai anaknyo talambek lulus.. Ah, abaikan lah. Sampai ma wak tadi? Oiyo, awak sadang manunggu mbak Rini, yo? Bara kali wak mancaliak ado staf mudo kalua lewat pintu di muko awak. Mengabaikan awak yang lah mode urang ongok di kantua urang. "Bolok lai ko", berkali-kali wak bapikia mode tu. Tapi yo mungkin kayak gitu yo.. tahun lalu awak magang sumantu ko juo. Duduak sambia manunggu urang tibo. Rasonyo lah baabaik-abaik awak duduak. Lamoo bana.. Akhirnyo tibo juo mbak Rini...

Memori Jean - 2

Wajahnya basah, mungkin dia baru mencuci muka, atau dia baru saja ambil wudhu. Aku masih duduk di sini, TV menyala namun aku tidak memperhatikan sama sekali. Sesuatu tentang betapa kacaunya penduduk bumi ini, aku rasa. Aku hilang dalam lamunanku, menelaah semua percakapan yang terjadi lima jam lalu. Apa yang terjadi? "Ayo, sholat." ajaknya sambil mengecilkan volume televisi. "Ah, iya.." tentu saja, sholat Isya. Aku pun berjalan ke kamar mandi dan mengambil wudhu. Wajah, tangan, rambut, telinga, dan kaki. Anggota tubuhku hafal gerakan ini, bahkan ketika aku tidak bisa mengingat hal lain. Kenapa aku tidak ingat hal lain? Kenapa baru sekarang aku peduli? Ya Allah maafkan hamba-Mu. Bahkan di saat seharusnya aku mencurahkan segala perhatian untuk menyembahMu aku malah memikirkan hal yang lain. Mengapa sekarang? Mengapa sekarang aku baru mengkhawatirkan masa lalu? Mereka bahkan bukan orang yang aku kenal. Kenapa aku harus peduli? "Assalaammu...

I will love you

I always hated you, for everything you've done to me, for everything you haven't done to me. I always hated you, that I've killed you several times in my mind, in every possible way. I always hated you, and I always resent you. I didn't treat you good enough. I didn't take care of you. I didn't appreciate you very much that I always blamed you when things went wrong. Sometimes I didn't feel grateful to be with you, even though you were here all the time. It was so hard to forgive you, harder than forgiving anybody else. But you know what? As much as I hate you, I always try to love you. And I will, I will love you I will love you for the rest of my life I will love you until our hair turn gray I will love you for the good, and the bad I will love you, and I will forgive you I will take care of you I will appreciate you And I will try my best to make you a better person I AM sorry for everything, And thank you, for everything. Dear Self...

welcome to your 20s

I wrote this somewhere, things that changed when my physical body turned 20. Things that I used to dislike, and now I seem to enjoy it. I used to hate horror movies, used to dislike wearing a watch, used to dislike the taste of a date, never had an umbrella, and my preferences and definition of good looking man changed, too. haha. 20s, huh? I stumbled upon some posts that describe things to do in your 20s. All related to family, social life, financial, bucket list, habits, and even romance. Basically those were like life-cheats in order to pursue your ideal life in the next stage of life, to be successful in your 30s, 40s, 50s.. To not having regrets and not making the wrong choices in life. Life. Life. Life. It's a temporary state, indeed. From what I believe, this is just a sojourn, a checkpoint. A one hella long temporary state, it is. If a female Indonesian life expectancy is 73, I still have 50 years before continuing to another life, of course if I'm not dead tomo...


you've arrived but don't feel alive what is wrong you say I feel I'm in the wrong way stories are not the same all the guilt and all the shame you see another end it's between you and your friend friend you ask finding one seem like another task I've lost one during this walk because things that we didn't talk do I need one the one who shares some fun that stays for trouble times cheering me at often times go, go It was me being a crow afraid of things that I do know and the things I do not show you've arrived but don't feel alive you are detaching and you are losing