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apa? menikah? hahahah bukaan. gue bukan mau nikah. cuma tadi lagi ngobrol bareng temen kosan dan pembicaraan berakhir ke topik ini (selalu. ngomongin apapun ujung-ujungnya pasti sampai ke topik ini. huft) Jadi, seperti biasa kalau ada dua orang atau lebih lagi ngumpul di ruang makan, biasanya anak kosan lain ikutan keluar dan ikutan ngobrol. Tapi kebetulan tadi, setelah gue sama laura selesai makan (ramyun. ya, gue lagi-lagi tergoda buat makan mie. lemah!) dan kak dina selesai nyuci baju (tiga ember mbaksiss) kita duduk dan mulai ngomongin banyak hal. mulai dari bergunjing, bikin rencana (baca: wacana) jalan-jalan, daan.... berakhir ke kegalauan gue, perempuan 20 tahun dan tidak pernah pacaran, yang pengen cepet-cepet nikah. kak din: kenapa sih, pengen cepet-cepet nikah? yang lain tuh abis kuliah pengen kerja dulu..  kakak, kak cimot, kak dika (dulu satu kosan, setelah mereka kerja ga di sini lagi.. huhu) justru mikirin kerja dulu gue: ya dalam pikiran aku karir gampang kak, ...


gue udah janji sama diri sendiri ga bakal posting hal lain kalo belum selesai nyeritain not a traveler story sampai selesai. tapi ya, namanya juga ghina. pertahanannya gampang runtuh, kaya kemaren yang 3 kali berturut-turut digoda akhirnya luluh juga, sampai kebablasan malah di godaan ketiga.. ah yaudahlah, gue juga ga mau nyeritain itu. ntar aja kalo udah keliatan hasilnya.. (loh, ini apa?) oke, jadi selasa di semester 6 ini jadi identik sama.. hari kuliah paling "tertugas". apa itu "tertugas"? yah itu cuma istilah yang gue bikin-bikin aja, soalnya matkul perbandingan administrasi negara sama administrasi lingkungan punya jadwal yang jelas di minggu ke berapa aja harus presentasi, diskusi, atau bikin review. administrasi lingkungan sih oke, buat sesuatu yang gue suka gue rela dikasih banyak tantangan. tapi, perbandingan adm negara? well, jawaban gue 50:50.. 50% merasa tertantang (serius, ghin?) dan 50% merasa... ugh. asik sih, kita kebagian tugas buat nyari da...

not a traveler story (part 4)

day 4. the next morning, I woke up and realized that I will go to Wonosobo. So, a couple of days before I went to Purbalingga, my mps-amp-mpa's classmates, Cori and Fathiya, came to my dorm because Cori wanted to lend my hat. Cori planned to spend her holiday in Jogjakarta and Wonosobo, and Fathiya would also join later at Wonosobo with FSI's group. Where did they sleep? At Ossa's big family house's. They wanted to go to Dieng, a famous place in Wonosobo. There are Telaga Warna (Pond Warna), Kawah Sikidang (Sikidang Carter), Candi Arjuna (Temple  Arjuna ), and many more. Seriously, there are so many places that you can visit while you were there. When they came, they did ask me whether I wanted to join them in Wonosobo or not. I said I'd love to, but I could not decide at that time. Well, after arriving at Yogyakarta, I decided to go to Wonosobo, because I knew Retno still had exams and I did want to go to Dieng, so.. HERE I COME WONOSOBO!! Cori was still at Yog...

not a traveler story (part 3)

day 3. Retno still had finals when I decided to stay at her house. When she asked where would I go today, I said that I am okay to walk around UGM, her campus. So, after she dropped me at Civil Engineering's parking lot, I went around her campus.. engineering monument (tugu teknik) a road to engineering faculty's motorcycle parking. I got lost here HA! I was surprised that the faculty of engineering is close to faculty of medicine. I came here just in case I could find a hot doctor to refresh my eyes :p faculty of forestry. I like being here somehow. they got their own forest, and I hear beautiful voices from the forest. so peaceful.. a bridge to faculty of veterinary medicine faculty of veterinary medicine faculty of social and political science. we've got one too at university of indonesia.. :)) re-cy-cle! after wandering around for 2 hours (I started at 8 a.m., finished at 10 a.m.), I went back to engineering facul...

not a traveler story (part 2)

day 2. The next morning, most of us still loved to cover ourselves under the blanket. We were so tired but we had to get ready because we were going to Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko Temple. It took about.. 7 hours trip from Purbalingga to Prambanan Temple. Before we left, we were amazed by the view of mount Slamet, because Purbalingga lies at the foot of mount Slamet. Oh, we found something interesting along our way. You see, there are many artificial things in Purbalingga. Artificial hair, artificial eyelashes, even artificial nails! So, when we passed Banyumas, there were so many signs labeled "original". Original food, original chips, original snacks, and so on, and so on. The driver made a joke about this saying, "Well, everything is original here, nothing is artificial.." Hahaha, get it? no? okay... After a loong journey, passing through cities, rice fields, forests, and alternative roads, we arrived at Prambanan Temple! Yeay! I remembered the first tim...

not a traveler story (part 1)

So, remember how I complained about my last holiday? Well, this holiday, I've got an amazing journey. It all started when I accepted Sakti's offer about being Negara on Study's (NOS) crew to Purbalingga and Yogyakarta. We planned to visit the government's office and did some social project in one of Purbalingga's village. Sunday night, around 8 p.m., our bus were set to Purbalingga. Sure we stopped at some rest areas to pray and get food and loo thingy, and we arrived at Purbalingga around 4.15 a.m.! Well that was quite fast because I thought it would be a long journey like the previous NOS to Solo (yea well of course it took a long time to go to Solo..). After Subuh prayer, we checked in to the hotel and my roommates were Ifa (again, yeay), Chintia, and Adel. We took a rest and went to the government office at.. around 9? or was it 10 a.m.? heh, I forgot. :p We went to the Purbalingga's government office because we wanted to learn how Purbalingga succeeded ...

this girl has a weak heart

hola. I just did a blogwalking, and made me realize.. how I actually love cats than human, at least for now. I've been in heartbreaking moments, where I lost my cats, I saw them suffering, suffering and dying, and vanished completely from this earth. I could cry for nights, remembering the time I've had spent together with my cats. Except for their cuteness, I could not forget the memories I've had with them. When I came home and fed them, or when I made my assignments and they slept near my computer, or when I wanted to go to bed and I took them to sleep with me. Everything. I LOVE my cats. and I LOVE talking back to them. It's like, I know what they wanted, what they desired from their eyes. okay, maybe it's too much but, that's how I felt about my cats.. When did I fall in love with them? I think it's when I moved to my current house. There were some cats, asking for the food, and my dad fed them outside our house. And they kept coming everyday bec...