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not a traveler story (part 3)

day 3.
Retno still had finals when I decided to stay at her house. When she asked where would I go today, I said that I am okay to walk around UGM, her campus. So, after she dropped me at Civil Engineering's parking lot, I went around her campus..
engineering monument (tugu teknik)

a road to engineering faculty's motorcycle parking. I got lost here
HA! I was surprised that the faculty of engineering is close to faculty of medicine. I came here just in case I could find a hot doctor to refresh my eyes :p
faculty of forestry. I like being here somehow. they got their own forest, and I hear beautiful voices from the forest. so peaceful..

a bridge to faculty of veterinary medicine

faculty of veterinary medicine

faculty of social and political science. we've got one too at university of indonesia.. :))


after wandering around for 2 hours (I started at 8 a.m., finished at 10 a.m.), I went back to engineering faculty and waited for Retno. I texted her, and while waiting for her to reply, I sent a message to my classmate, Aan, who is also studying at engineering faculty, and he said we could get some breakfast. After that, Retno came out and said that she wanted to pick her laptop and paid her brother's tuition and after that we could go somewhere, nothing to worry about because she didn't have a test the next day. I told her I wanted to meet my friend and we could meet after that. deal.

Aan took me to the nearest place to eat, ngudi rejeki, or NR, as he said. We talked about our other classmates, mostly, and college life. I told him that I love the atmosphere in this university. UGM is just so.. beautiful. There are so many trees, park, even forest! While I was walking around UGM, I often thought and compared between UI, my university, and UGM. Yeah, there is urban forest at UI. And I walked through it everyday, because it's like a shortcut from the UI Station to my faculty, faculty of social and political science. But still, I just like UGM's better. The other difference is.. I rarely see pedestrian at UGM. People mostly use vehicle to go, at least bicycle. Well I just remember how everyday, all day long, people walk from and to our campus, University of Indonesia. Well every university has its own identity, right? :D

Retno came to pick me afterwards and after Zuhur prayer, we began my first day tour at Yogyakarta! We went to Keraton Ngayogyakarta (pictures are still in Retno's cellphone), rickshaw ride to the Carriage Museum, and.. last place, Taman Sari!

 This is the fourth time I came to Yogyakarta. First, when I my cousin got accepted at UGM and I followed because it was school holiday at 2005 (places visited: Borobudur Temple, UGM, Keraton Ngayogyakarta and Malioboro). Second, at the junior high school trip at 2007 (places visited: Borobudur Temple and Malioboro). Third time, last year, as participant of NOS 2012 (places visited: Borobudur Temple and Malioboro). And this time, as NOS 2013's crew. Well, when I visited UGM, I tried to remember what UGM looked like back then at 2005 and couldn't find something like in my memory when I came back, at 2013. There are soo much differences. Mostly new buildings, and.. oh I recognized the greenhouse, which stayed the same, but overall, it's different. 

What did I do at Keraton Ngayogyakarta? Well of course, listened to the guide about history and everything. Oh, I should tell you as local tourist, I paid 3.000 idr for entrance. At the end of the guide (after taking pictures of course), the guide will ask for, hmm lets just say, money. How much? Well there is a story about that..
Old man (guide): This is the end of the guide, if you concern, you could give me something for my service, as much as you can..
(Me and Retno discussing)
Me: you've got money? I have a big bill..
Retno: Me too. Wait, there is 10k bill. He said as much as we can right?
Me: Yup. Just give it that 10k bill..
(giving the bill to the old man whose voice was so low and we could barely hear)
Old man: Pardon me, it's.. 10k more..
(Me and Retno exchanged glances, checking the wallet, and only had 5k idr)
Me: I am sorry, sir. But we only had this 5k bill. Is it okay?
Old man: It's alright miss.. (leaving)
Me and Retno: as much as you can my butt..

After we left the Keraton (or, the Palace), we looked for a rickshaw and took a ride with it. With only 5.000 idr you will be taken to the Carriage Museum, Dagadu and Batik central, and.. dang! I forgot its name.. Something related to Keraton too.. Was it the King's house? First stop, Carriage Museum. We paid for 3.000 idr to enter the museum, each, and plus 1.000 idr for taking pictures. We were amazed by the antique and beautiful carriages for the royal family. How many carriages are there? There are so many I can't count them all.. (actually, it's countable. I just didn't count them all :p)

look alike yet?

Next stop, Dagadu and Batik central. Well, I didn't have anything to buy, neither did Retno. Even though the driver persuaded us to stop and take a look to the original Dagadu (yea, that's what every rickshaw driver said since a long time ago about original Dagadu clothes), I refused it. So.. we came to the last stop! And.. it was closed! We were late a few minutes and the house was just closed. Too bad.. :( if I am not mistaken, the house is closed at 2 p.m.

The rickshaw driver took us back to the Keraton, where we first ride and we paid it. Afterwards, Retno drove us to Taman Sari, a part of the Keraton Ngayogyakarta too. There are garden and pools there. The ticket is 3.000 idr and plus 1.000 idr for taking pictures. I saw the promotion of Taman Sari at youtube. There is a video called "Jalan-Jalan Men" and shoot every famous place at Yogyakarta, including, Taman Sari. We went to the back of Taman Sari and we arrived at Kampung Cyber. Cool! 
taman sari

Kampung Cyber, behind Taman Sari

Retno said, there are other ancient building that are part of Taman Sari if we go further. Why not? So, we went there, and there are two buldings, one is in round shape, and the other one is like this broken building and become a cultural heritage.
the entrance

at the center of round building (?) 


it's the cultural heritage..

Did I tell you that I didn't get a chance to eat at Raminten when I was with NOS' group? Well, that day, Retno took me to eat at Raminten! Yeay! When we arrived and Retno parked her car, I saw this big bigboard with Raminten's picture in it. And I said, "whoa, Raminten is owned by a lady.." and Retno said,"Lady?" and then she laughed. "No, she is not a lady, but.." Okay, I got it.

What did I order? At first, I wanted to order Sego Liwet, because I liked it when I first ate it at Solo last year, but they ran out of it so I ordered the same Sego as Retno. Was the food named Sego Kucing or just Nasi Kucing? Heh, I can't remember it (again) :p There is tempe, teri, and scrambled egg in Nasi Kucing. For the drink, I ordered green tea ice cream. And, Oh! I ordered Lumpia Ikan too for the dish, just for variation.. The price at Raminten is, low cost! I was surprised. Well, I have nothing to say, just relieved that I didn't come at the busy hour because I heard that this 24 hours cafe always fully booked!

After that, we went back home and look who came.. Retno's dad! He came all the way from Padang to Yogyakarta to celebrate his anniversary with Retno's mom. Sweet.. At night, they took us to Mbah Jingkrak to eat dinner and.. jeng jeng! Retno took his boyfriend and so did his older brother. No, I mean, he took his girlfriend, not boyfriend.. :)) Haha. very funny. I was so.. pathetic and hopeless seeing them. I know that Retno tried to make a conversation with me but.. I just didn't want to bother. I always feel awkward everytime my friends are with her boyfriend and always try to keep distance. I don't know.. I just.. don't want to bother. Ask Nurul. When she was with his boyfriend at high school, and we were like going home together, I just... let them talk in front of me and I walked behind them. I heard that his boyfriend asked why did I act like that, freak. Well, what can I say, I just don't want to bother those lovey dovey couple.. Sigh.

Time seemed so slow at that night, and when we went back, I thanked God....


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