I've been reading my old posts from this blog and I didn't realize just how much I've been through, how far I've come. And today has been weird, and I have a feeling that there will be something, or that today happened because something is going to happen in the future. I'm not sure what is, but I'm just gonna write it here about what happened today hoping that when I stumble upon this writing again, I'd have the answer, just like when I read those old posts and I already had explanations.
Today is weird because it was unusual, not like my days since the beginning of the pandemic. If I have to go to the office, my day usually goes like this: I wake up, I do Subuh prayer, I'll scroll my phone or just go to sleep again before waking up for my 7 am alarm to clock in. Then I will take a bath, iron my clothes (or not at all), check my phone again, and then I will go to work, taking the 7.30/8 am train. At the office I usually make a cup of instant coffee, catching up some news from my coworkers, work, buy some snacks from the lady that sells them, and then work again while listening to some playlists on YouTube, have lunch, Zuhur prayer, back to work again and go home at 3 pm to avoid the queue at the train station (and the crowded train, while we're still in this damn pandemic). That's pretty much it, and I have been doing this routine for a couple of months now.
But, today...
I went to work early, at 7 am. Wow, it's been a while. I don't know what's gotten in me today that I went to work earlier than usual. Everyone from my division came today (we're not supposed to, it should be only 50% from each division that come to the office), I asked my other supervisor to recommend me for this graduate school that I'm applying, then I proceeded to submit the online application (I didn't really check it again. I think I already did that before), preparing the documents to be sent to the university, going downstairs to this postal office, paid IDR 287,000 and went back upstairs because I promised my coworker to get some breakfast at the cafeteria. Oh, the usual lady that sells snack already put a box of dim sum but I still went to the cafeteria to get other snacks. I need them carbo-loading and sugar cravings fulfilled bby.
So after I got the snacks, we went back and I ate the dim sum. Then I did some work, and.. Oh I forgot to mention, my direct supervisor kinda gave me a weird vibe. I felt like she was giving me the silent treatment. I think I did something wrong.. Maybe because yesterday when I told her that I'd come but I eventually didn't come and I forgot to tell her. Maybe.. I try to not care but it kinda bugs me now. Hhhh.
Let's just move on.
But then, just before lunch, I felt like my neck become extra itchy I had to go the bathroom to scratch it. My neck turned red because I couldn't stop scratching. I asked for a cajuput oil from this lady but I told her I'd take it later because my friend was waiting for me to get lunch together. I ordered chicken satay and fried cow lung, and a glass of hot sweet tea. This menu is normal I guess, I ordered this menu a couple of lunches ago just because, I hadn't had chicken satay for a couple of weeks, and that's torturing for someone who loves chicken satay so much.
I finally had that cajuput oil where I applied it on my neck. And I thought the itchy sensations were gone. Oh boy, how wrong I was. I went back home, and apparently, all of the itchy sensations have spread to all of my body. My face, my legs, my hands, even my thighs. I tried using this aromatherapy oil and it didn't work. So I took a bath.
Still not working. The itchiness is getting worse, even now. So I might ask the doctors tomorrow what kind of pills I should take so that this itchiness go. This is frustrating. My whole body is red now because I kept scratching it. Ugh
So I tried using this app for consulting with the doctor, but they took so long to get back to me I finally decided to contact my doctor friends. She confirmed that I have a food allergy so I need to take cetirizine 1x10mg. Wow I am so grateful that I have doctors as my friends. Not everyone has this privilege, let alone this is the pandemic situation where we are encouraged to avoid the hospital if we don't have any life-threatening diseases. Seriously, I got sick way too often this year.
Ah, I forgot to mention that when I arrived at the train station on my way back home, I went to this small bakery shop. I have been craving a croissant and I know that they sell it. But apparently the croissants were sold out and there was only chocolate pastries there, so of course, I bought them. I bought two chocolate pastries but, it turned out they were having a sale buy 2 get 1. Woohoo! Furthermore, I got IDR 9,000 discount if I paid with this digital wallet. So lucky! After I finished my purchase I noticed that these two employees were happy that almost of the pastries were sold out. I felt the warmth in my chest that they could reach the sales target. I've never been in that position, but having experience in working for a profit company I know how it feels. So glad for them, and I hope they stay safe.
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