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this girl has a weak heart

hola. I just did a blogwalking, and made me realize.. how I actually love cats than human, at least for now. I've been in heartbreaking moments, where I lost my cats, I saw them suffering, suffering and dying, and vanished completely from this earth. I could cry for nights, remembering the time I've had spent together with my cats. Except for their cuteness, I could not forget the memories I've had with them. When I came home and fed them, or when I made my assignments and they slept near my computer, or when I wanted to go to bed and I took them to sleep with me. Everything. I LOVE my cats. and I LOVE talking back to them. It's like, I know what they wanted, what they desired from their eyes. okay, maybe it's too much but, that's how I felt about my cats.. When did I fall in love with them? I think it's when I moved to my current house. There were some cats, asking for the food, and my dad fed them outside our house. And they kept coming everyday bec...

selamat jalan. dari kami, yang masih menginjak bumi

Setelah beberapa hari emosional yang udah gue lalui selama ini, gue memilih hari ini buat nulis lagi di sini. Alasannya.. karena berita duka yang baru aja gue denger dari temen deket gue, dan kabar dari media sosial, Twitter. Keponakan yang meninggal karena kecelakaan, dan seorang teman lama yang meninggal karena sakit (sepertinya demam berdarah). Kecelakaan motor yang dialami keponakan dan adek temen gue ini, kejadiannya jam 5 sore di Padang. Dia meninggal karena pendarahan. Kalau menurut logika gue, dia kehilangan banyak darah, sehingga jantungnya tidak bisa menyuplai darah ke seluruh tubuh untuk mengantarkan oksigen dan tugas-tugas biologis dalam tubuh lainnya. Jantungnya gagal menjalankan fungsinya, dan berhenti berdetak. (oke, ngasal). Apapun itu, kehilangan banyak darah bisa menyebabkan makhluk hidup (dengan darah sebagai pengantar oksigen), meninggal. Sedangkan yang gue tau tentang DBD, jumlah trombosit penderitanya jadi turun (gue lupa kenapa bisa begitu). Makanya penderita DBD...

have a very pleasant holiday, mom

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. May I told you that today I don't have any classes and today is the election day for Jakartans to vote their Governor for the next 5 years? But, that is not what I am going to tell. I am here to tell you, that, my mom is going to spend her weekend with my father. No Ami, No Razief. At least, she can release her stress and clear her mind so she finally could think clearly upon problems that keep coming towards her. Have a very pleasant holiday, my lovely parents..

another useless holiday

I was right. I'm almost doing nothing but staying at home during this holiday. no courses, no travelling.. just watching running man, and laughing stupidly in my room. well, I actually have an unexpected reasons. due to family problems and financial supports I can't help myself but trying to avoid the sensation of having fun outside this house. I can even count how many times I went outdoors. once when I went to mom's hometown (not a good trip) and it was just a one day trip, 5 times gathering with my high school classmates, once ngabuburit with my friends in the neighborhood, and last I went to an ITP TOEFL test at ITI. yeah. my holiday is not like my friends who had summer school in Korea, Germany. or having a french course, or travelling abroad, or climbing mountains, diving, snorkeling, airsoft gun war, paintball war, volunteering...... sigh. germany.. so, some people I know, had recently been going to Germany. my auntie. she visited her husband's family in Ge...

opportunity cost

beberapa minggu yang lalu, gue dapat bm kalo ada kesempatan buat jadi pengawas snmptn 2012. gue yang dari taun lalu pengen banget jadi pengawas ujian, tentu aja gamau nyia-nyiain kesempatan ini. gue pikir karena waktu itu masih musim uas, gue bisa leha-lehe pagi itu karena menurut bm yang gue dapet, pendaftarannya sampai jam 4 sore. but, guess what. I missed it. ternyata dari jam 7 pagi udah pada ngantri buat ngisi formulir pengawas dan 300  formulir (kalo ga salah),  abis dalam waktu 1 jam. sangat mengganggu. karena gue baru dateng jam 10 dan masih berharap ada formulir nyisa. sial. beberapa hari kemudian gue dapet bm lagi. masih tentang snmptn, cuma posisi yang ditawarkan sedikit berbeda dari pengawas snmptn biasa, yaitu.. jadi pengaman soal. well bayarannya lebih besar daripada jadi pengawas biasa, tapi tentu aja resikonya juga besar. lo bertanggung jawab terhadap soal-soal snmptn yang lo jaga. jelas ini lebih berat dibanding meratiin peserta ujian yang berusaha curang wa...

my first rage comic

hiya! so, today is Saturday, and I am still in my finals week. still have to do some assignments, but all day long I tried to make a comic rage, based on my story. you know.. "one day after mid-term test" story.. lol so I went to and I made it! my first rage comic ever! enjoy.. :D

amazing weekend

I went to Kota Tua and Monas last Friday with my housemates. I actually doubted that I could go there considering that I still had remaining undone tasks that had to be done. but since I've had the busiest week ever in May (meetings, assignments..), I decided to leave it and grab the rarest chance ever, spending time with my housemates, since we have this unmatched schedule. so we went to Kota Tua and we took a lot (trust me, A LOT) of photos with Laura's camera ;) and when the twilight touched this part of Indonesia, we set our feet to trans jakarta shelter and headed to Monas. even when hadn't touch the front gate of Monas, we already took so many pictures! hahaha you can imagine when a bunch of girls holding a camera.. we just can't hold the passion of taking pictures.. lol when we finally went back to our house, I immediately took a bath, and reached my bed to sleep because I was extremely exhausted, but happy! :D the next day, on Saturday morning, my friend asked...