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7 Hours to Bandung

1 October 2016

It was supposed to be my free day, but of course because I always mess things up, I wasn't free.
In fact, I was strangled by my own choice, and the decision from higher power for me is to stay and have another restless month. Though the official statement was just for the first week, but the impact of my action will not be seen until the end of October.

What have I done..

"Laan, sorry I just reply to your WA. I'm on my way, but stuck in a traffic jam. Where are you now?" I texted Ulan after confirming that I was going to Bandung as well, that I really needed this sweet escape. I took a bus from Depok to Bandung, the beloved MGI Bus. I sat near the window, where I could see the road outside and Lenteng Agung street were full of cars. These Jakartans loved to spend the weekend outside. Whether they headed to Bandung, or Puncak, or to the shopping mall. It was sunny outside, and the sun didn't really give mercy and showered us with heat. How generous..
Ulan, on the other hand, had a coverage to do at this fancy restaurant at Juanda street. The event was Fine Dining and she told me that it will begin at 7 pm. She already took a travel around 12, and based on our estimated time, she should be arrived at 3.
"It's okay," she replied. "I'm stuck, too. Hopefully I can still make it. The driver seems exhausted." I checked my watch as the next message and it was almost 4 o'clock.
The traffic was barely moving. I took a deep sigh and blankly stared at the window. My mind began to wander and I thought all the people who experienced the traffic for hours when it was homecoming time before Eid Al Fitr. This highway, the Cikampek Toll, is very well known and is the target of every journalists from every kind of media when it comes to traffic report. It was not my first time to go to Bandung and I have passed this highway several times, but that day was the first time that I experienced a traffic jam that long..

Oops, my phone rang. I then reached for it inside my bag. And all of those stories suddenly became true, that woman's bag is another universe and you can't just find things easily. Where the heck is my phone....
I saw the light dimmed in the corner of my bag. I picked it up and checked the display for a caller ID. Mike.
Shoot, it's the client. My heart started to pound faster. I held my phone and stared at it for a while. Please, not another problem.. I've had enough and I need to have a quiet sweet escape.

"Hello, yes? What's up, Mike?" I finally answered his calls. I placed the phone in my right ear and faced the window while talking to him. A trouble one, this kid. I don't know what his problem is but he constantly demands everything to be arranged effective immediately. His call could be anything, he was scammed by travel agent, he forgot to bring his documents, or maybe passport!

God, please, no.

"Miss, I'm at the airport and I will depart to Aussie now," said Mike.

Thank God it was not another problem.

"About the apartment I asked you before, can you confirm when can I move in?" Aand of course he still asked me to arrange something for him, even though I have, several freaking times, informed him that it couldn't be arranged now. I really tried my best to sound as friendly as possible when it comes to the client.
"Ooh, okay. But you will definitely inform me later right?" He's still concerned but finally called it off. Oh I won't, and I didn't tell him why.
"Of course, Mike. Hope you have a safe flight yaa. Bye"


"Where you heading, Miss?" A man who sat next to me (when did he sit there?) asked me right after I finished the call. An older man. I guessed he's around 40 and already has a family. Maybe two kids in junior high school. Short hair, beard around his mouth, and his body type a bit stocky.
"Where do you think we're going? We took the same bus to Bandung for God sake " I had the thought before answering his question. Oh the temptation to answer it this way.

But I held it.

"Ehm, to Bandung. Visiting a friend," I turned my face to him and tried to politely answer the question. "Going to Bandung too, Pak?" Being a good social person I asked him back the standard question in a conversation, after hesitating whether to ask or not.
"Yes, I'm going home."
"Ooh I see, visiting the family ya, Pak?" I responded him with another question.

Okay, let's have a chat. Could be someone who'll offer me a job, right? Maybe he's a CEO of some startup company, or he's a representative for another country, or maybe he's a billionaire who's in a mission to transfer a billion to the first person he talks to that day.
Could be anything. A broke girl can hope, right?

The conversation went on and on until I found out that he's a Minangnese who was born and raised in Lampung, but occasionally goes back to Solok to attend a conference. Yes, it's the famous one, The SAS: Sulit Air Sepakat. A community of Sulit Air people who go back to their homeland to.. well I just assumed to talk about how successful they can be and how to maintain this brand of successful people for Minang community.
"Do you work?" He then asked me about what I do. Okay, standard question. I'll just tell him I work at private company.
"How about you, Pak?" Information should be mutual. You got mine, I got yours.
"I was an athlete and a trainer, Miss. Now I'm working at the Ministry," he explained in his flat tone.

Ooh, okay.

He kept telling me his stories I started to take a hint that he was bragging or tried to impress me. I nodded and kept saying "Ooh" or "Really?" What can I say, I wasn't impressed.

"Please, don't call me "Pak", just call me "Bang"," he then corrected the way I addressed him. I assumed he's an older man, and he worked at the Ministry, of course I should call him Pak. My sense started to pick up something else and I was so sure that he had another motive with this conversation.
"By the way I didn't get your name. What's your name?"
"Ghina, Bang," I told him my name and offered the handshake.
"I'm Joe."

I was not really in a mood to have further conversation. I then proceeded to take my phone and excused myself from him. I asked Ulan where she was and started to text Anita, my friend from work (the only one I have, too bad she's at another branch ). We met yesterday and told her everything about what was happening. Yes, I've been through some kind of job hell and I needed someone from work to understand the situation from my side. And yes, she was going to Bandung as well.
The air-conditioner was making the air cooler and my hands were cold. Ah, cold hands.. I experienced this for a couple of weeks, when I thought my life was doomed and couldn't be fixed. When I started to realize that I am not good at anything. What am I good at? Why did I have to mess everything up?

"Hey, maybe it's because of the car accident. I heard it's on KM 61. Go check it online." Anita later then replied after we constantly complained about this never ending traffic at Whatsapp.
"Ok. Brb I'm gonna check it." I closed WhatsApp and opened Chrome from my phone. I went straight to Twitter and typed "Accident Km 61" on the Search Tab.

"You're right, the accident was at dawn. But it involved a garbage truck and a container truck. That's why it took so long to clear the road. They literally blocked the whole road!" I sent the news screenshots to Anita.
I also texted Ulan about the news. As she started to worry that she won't make it in time, I took a glimpse at the reflection on the window. I saw this Abang Joe opened up YouTube and watched some kind of video. Yea keep watching Abang-dude. Just watch the video and sleep. SLEEP YOU ATHLETE. I screamed in my head as I stared at the reflection.


"Okay, I got Indi to be me for that Fine Dining. She lives nearby the area, thank God." Ulan sent me the update about the event. Ah, we really didn't see that coming. This traffic jam really brought some kind of disaster for all of us. Ulan couldn't attend the event, I stuck with a former athlete who tried to hit me, and Anita..

"Did you buy the oven?" I asked Anita about the oven she intended to give to her mother as a present. Birthday present. Yup, it was her mother's birthday.
"Of course Ma'am. But I'm afraid that we're gonna be late. We might have to go straight to the restaurant when we arrive. Look at the time!" Well, it ruined Anita's plan, too.

I looked outside and it was dark. The red lamps from cars' backside aligned, and it started to rain. Ah, Bandung and rainfall are beautiful duo, my beautiful duo. But the traffic only made it worse. If only I sat next to this particular man, not this Abang-dude, I'd be happy to stuck in this traffic for hours. Talked about the first time we met, maybe. Or talked about our first getting drenched because we both forgot to bring an umbrella while I leaned on his shoulder and smell his perfume I got him.

Yes. Just keep your imagination alive, G.

I decided to sleep to avoid talking with Abang-dude. Yea, see how I also avoid mentioning his name here? That's how uncomfortable I was. I put my phone back to my bag and adjusted my position so I can sleep comfortably. It was drizzling and the window was full of raindrops. Capturing and reflecting the lights and still made me amaze by how beautiful it was. But I was tired and too sleepy. I took my imagination and the glimmering lights to my REM cycle.

I swear it felt like a couple of minutes, but apparently I slept almost for an hour. I opened my eyes and grabbed my phone to check the time, even though I actually was wearing a watch. You know the reason, to avoid talking with Abang-dude.

I tilted my head and turned my head to the right. Oh thank heavens he's asleep!

But of course it wasn't for long..

MGI finally arrived at... KM57 Rest Area. Oh wonderful. 4 hours and we just arrived here? Couldn't get any worse than this? Anyone? Hello??

"It'll probably take about 3 more hours to Bandung. So maybe we'll arrive around 9 or 10 pm. Who'll pick you up there, Ghin?" The Abang-dude was awoken knowing we made it to the rest area. And there I thought he was in a deep sleep.

"I'll probably take Damri. Ehm, until when do they usually operate ya?" I asked him because I thought he'll know, since he occasionally heads back to Bandung on weekends. I just assumed..

"Oh, don't worry. They usually stand by until 10. I'll take you to Damri and make sure you get in safely." He then offered me the help.


"Oh it's okay, Bang. You don't have to. I can get there by myself.," I tried to decline his kind gesture as I screamed in my head.
"No, no.. I had to. It's not okay to let a woman walk alone at night."

And there I was planning an escape route once we arrived.

"What did you usually do on weekends, Ghina?" Abang-dude made a conversation with me again. And asking me what? Weekends? Let me think.. Wait.. I know where this is headed.
"Nothing, Bang. I usually work on Saturdays and on Sundays I just spend my day on my room, to rest," Hey. I didn't lie. I thank my routines, this job really.. Ah, never mind.
"Ah I see. Well I usually go to the cinema to watch movies. I often go to Pejaten Village."
"Ooh.." I didn't want to respond more to this statement.
"Then what you usually do in weekends?" He further continued the talk I felt I was being interrogated.
"Ehm.. sleeping, doing laundry.. just the usual, Bang," I admit I can't improvise my answer. I did tell him the truth. In the hope he can't find anything more to ask.

But of course I was wrong.

"Ah, doing your own laundry? You don't take them to laundryman or have someone to do that?"
"No. Haha"

I personally want to thank the inventor of Xiaomi smartphone for creating a long lasting battery phone. Almost 7 hours and it's still going strong despite the fact that I used so many applications that required internet connection. This long lasting battery also saved me from further conversation with Abang-dude who just loved to talk while I myself was not in the mood and being a real introvert af. I then reached for my phone and did whatever it took to avoid talking. Catching up with Anita who apparently exited the highway only to discover that they got themselves into another traffic jam, or texted Ulan who almost arrived in Bandung.

Every time I went by myself to a new or a place I know, I always wish I made the trip with my close friend. It is purely based on the fact that I am not great at talking to strangers. With a close friend, I can talk about anything. From bad mouthing something or someone (hey, it's natural, okay? we're humans after all..), talking about a future, current issue on social media, or share a deep down feeling, being vulnerable to each other. I told you this is not the first time I went to Bandung, there were a couple of times. Most of the trips I did it alone, but there was a time when I went there with my beloved high school mates, Nabila and Cican. And I thought about them, they always have something to talk about and most of the topics we talked about, or rather they shared, are.. enlightening.

It was around 9 pm when we finally arrived at Leuwi Panjang Bus Terminal. Here we go, I'll run away from this Abang-dude so that he won't have to take me to Damri. After we got off the bus, he turned left while I turned right and ran into the Damri bus which was... not there.

Damn it.

And this is to thank the invention of application based transportation. I would like to thank Uber Indonesia for operating in Bandung. I set the destination to McD Dago, to meet Indi and Ulan. 

Ah, Bandung. It's been a while :)


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