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masygul uas

sebenernya gue lagi ga mood nulis. gatau deh ya, gue semacem demotivasiooong belakangan ini, lebih tepatnya setelah uts. kayanya semua jiwa raga dan kehidupan dan perjuangan gue untuk semester 3 ini cuma sampe uts. miris. gimana ngga? jadwal ujiannya menyiksa banget. gue yang biasanya dapet jadwal ujian mepet 1 minggu selesai, lha sekarang malah dapet jadwal ujian yang menyiksa pelan-pelan, perlahan, pasti, dan mati. ada 7 mata kuliah yang tersebar di 7 hari ujian dari 14 hari yang di sediain. senin, selasa, rabu, kamis di minggu pertama, terus selasa, rabu, jumat di minggu kedua. mata kuiahnya meeen, mata kuliahnya kebanyakan itung-itungan. bukannya gue ga suka itung-itungan.. gue suka.. apalagi ada 2 mata kuliah yang (seharusnya) bisa gue handle karena latar belakang gue yang dari ipa, statistika sosial dan matematika ekonomi. tapiii materi setelah uts itu lhooo yang nyiksa cerebrum gue.. belum lagi materi hapalan dan teori ini itu yang berkaitan sama jurusan ini.. ha! jangan lupain

how is your 111111 day?

today is November 11, 2011. which means, it's 11-11-11 day! it's a special day as many people celebrate it or use it as a special date because of the unique combination of the numbers. so today I started my day with the last midtest for this term \m/ and theen I went to FIB to see FestiFrance and went back to FISIP to attend some hearings. after that, I went to the central library of UI to browse some stuffs and got an interview with SOV a.k.a school of volunteers BEM UI. actually, I went to the central library with sofi. and I chose to accompany her seeing her is not in a stable mood. I sat in the parking lot of FIB while my friends are eating noodles and giving some advices to sofi and entertain her so she wont be sad anymore. then at 8 pm, sofi and I headed to train station. sofi continued by buying tickets to jakarta, and I kept walking right to my boarding house. when I just arrived, my board-mate said that they were just making fun with mei and laugh out loud it. noth

happy 20th anniversary mom and dad :D

HAPPY 20TH ANNIVERSARY FOR MY LOVELY PARENTS!! AND SELAMAT HARI PAHLAWAN UNTUK PAHLAWAN-PAHLAWAN DI INDONESIA! MY PARENTS ARE MY HERO. I wish you to stay healthy, happy couple, and blessed. Thank you for all of your sacrifices to us, your children. May Allah bless your carrier and I am sorry I couldn't go home this time. mid term tests are slowly killing me. :( happy for you meine Alter :*

positive steps for mental health

kadang manusia suka minder. punya kekurangan ini itu. kalo liat yang lain, bawaannya iri, kenapa gue ga bisa, kenapa dia bisa? gue useless, gue sampah. yah, semua pernah mengalaminya, termasuk gue. until I found this picture in my friend's tumblr. so I just post it in here.

suatu sore di stasiun UI..

14 Oktober 2011 ghina dan mei: *lagi nyari bingkai buat sertifikat pembicara acara D'Islamic Pleasures Days* mei: mas, ad bingkai ga? mas-mas penjual bingkai: ada mbak, mau ambil brapa? ghina: harganya brapa mas? mas-mas penjual bingkai: 30 ribu mbak ghina dan mei: *keselek* mei: mahal banget mas.. mas-mas penjual bingkai: kayunya bagus mbak, lagian ini kayunya bukan hasil illegal logging, jadi kena pajak.. ghina dan mei: *terdiam* *wow* mei: ooh gitu, yaudah deh mas, makasih ya mas..


di sana kau duduk, senja-senja di perpustakaan megah itu lalu di sana kau berdiri, di depan rumah Tuhan yang juga aku agungkan kemudian di sana kau berjalan, melalui rantaian manusia, menembus udara dingin, dan singgah di berbagai perintah dan aku tersadar kau juga duduk dalam ruangan itu, ruangan suram di hari Jumat hei kamu..

way back into home

grammar class with a beautiful pregnant teacher, miss Ria, just ended. I prepare myself to go downstairs so I can get to home early. but when I reach downstair, I saw 3 motorbikes behind my motorbike so they are blocking my way out. I take deep breath. today is so hot and I think I can wait until one of the owner of those motorbikes move their motorcycle so I can pass through. thus, I take a sit and start looking around. there are some students who don't go home yet. I keep waiting, wondering if someone finally take his/her keys and let me and my motorbike go home.. finally, a guy comes up and move his motorbike. he goes to someplace-I-don't-care and I, with a smiley face, finally can go home.. :D usually, when I am riding my motorbike, I only pay attention to the road, the policeman (ugh) and other vehicles so I can drag it fast. oh, yeah. of course I watch the traffic lights, too :p but this time, I decide to watch everything along the road. the street is not too cr