today is November 11, 2011. which means, it's 11-11-11 day! it's a special day as many people celebrate it or use it as a special date because of the unique combination of the numbers.
so today I started my day with the last midtest for this term \m/ and theen I went to FIB to see FestiFrance and went back to FISIP to attend some hearings. after that, I went to the central library of UI to browse some stuffs and got an interview with SOV a.k.a school of volunteers BEM UI. actually, I went to the central library with sofi. and I chose to accompany her seeing her is not in a stable mood. I sat in the parking lot of FIB while my friends are eating noodles and giving some advices to sofi and entertain her so she wont be sad anymore. then at 8 pm, sofi and I headed to train station. sofi continued by buying tickets to jakarta, and I kept walking right to my boarding house. when I just arrived, my board-mate said that they were just making fun with mei and laugh out loud it.
nothing's special in this special-combination-number-of-date, but I am happy, because.. yea well. something ;)
so today I started my day with the last midtest for this term \m/ and theen I went to FIB to see FestiFrance and went back to FISIP to attend some hearings. after that, I went to the central library of UI to browse some stuffs and got an interview with SOV a.k.a school of volunteers BEM UI. actually, I went to the central library with sofi. and I chose to accompany her seeing her is not in a stable mood. I sat in the parking lot of FIB while my friends are eating noodles and giving some advices to sofi and entertain her so she wont be sad anymore. then at 8 pm, sofi and I headed to train station. sofi continued by buying tickets to jakarta, and I kept walking right to my boarding house. when I just arrived, my board-mate said that they were just making fun with mei and laugh out loud it.
nothing's special in this special-combination-number-of-date, but I am happy, because.. yea well. something ;)
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