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Hi 25 yo me! How are you? How is life? Good? Bad? Well,  I hope not as bad as you're doing this February 2016. Married? Who is he? Who's that unlucky male? Or still not married? Yea.. that's what I thought... Sorry. Well you know what? Whether you're married or not, starting today, going to the traditional market is on my weekly agenda you know, with Laura. Hope you're already know how to pick the best vegetables, fruits, or meat this time. where do you live now? still in Depok? come on..


Blay, apo kaba? Baa di sinan Blay? Den kangen ang, Blay.. Lai takana? Dulu ang payaaah bana didakekan Dipacik se dak amuah do Tapi duo tahun belakangan ang manjo, manjoo bana jo den Suko lalok di kamar den Lalok nempel ka den Kalau dak buliah masuak kamar, ang pasti cakar-cakar pintu mintak masuak Kalau den pulang ang selalu menghampiri Antah yobana sanang den pulang atau emang nio mintak makan Blay, makasih yo Blay. Alah mangawanan salamo den di siko. Moga-moga wak bisa sobok liak Elok-elok di sinan yo..

Bad Dream

I woke up from a bad dream, that my mom somehow chose to leave this earth, and how she prepared for everything for us. Just before I confronted her about her choice, I woke up, sobbing really hard but no tears, had trouble breathing, and eventually shed a tear. This is the worst dream ever. Sure I had dreams like this before, that my mom passed away, but it was not like this. It was usually just people saying my mom's gone, but I never saw how or the exact moment she'd gone. But this dream, that my mom looked so much at peace that she could choose to go, without thinking that I asked her once not to go before seeing me successful, married and have kids, is so painful that I immediately sobbed and became so emotional. And to add that, I fell asleep at 8 pm and woke up at 08.30 pm because I had a dream too that my sister died. wtf brain. wtf.


I'm on the train to Jakarta Kota. Though I bought the return ticket from UI to Pasar Minggu, I took this train instead because just before I decided to take the Bogor train, my stomach hurt and I needed to find the less crowded toilet, which is in Pasar Minggu Baru station. Ok, too much (not that important) information ya? But let me explain why. I just figured out that if you think too much, or maybe just me, all the tension somehow managed to find its way to the stomach, assuming this kind of stress would be released through defecation. Well body, you're so damn wrong. This is torture. Just because I'm thinking about someone lately (you'd be surprised of how long is this), my heart beats faster. His image slightly crossed my mind, my heart hurt. I saw his name on random places, I felt like I've been electrocuted. I saw anything related to him, I held my chest as if I'm having a mini heart attack. And it happens every single time. I know exactly how to ...

The Moon

I like the Moon. Not only because it is used in Islamic calendar and Chinese calendar, or its light shimmered on a dark night, but also because an Indonesian famous author once romanticise the moon as something that connects two people who are separated by distance. The only real thing that they can see at the same time no matter how far they're apart (but of course it depends on the timezone). Not the Sun, which shines so brightly during the day, but the Moon 🌒, which brings peace after a loong day at work. So every time I see the Moon, I'd capture it and just tweet it, hope anyone who shares the same sky can see it too, and know they're not alone 🙂

Mourning Period

What were his final thoughts? What did he feel? What did he want to say? What did he wish to do one last time? Now did he really leave or is he still around? Watching, seeing Look after them for a couple of days Or weeks What is he doing now? Is he okay?