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"jangan makan mie malam-malam.." "tapi, tapi, lagi mau.. LAGI MAU!" "jangan makan mie malam-malam, tar susah dicerna, kalorinya banyak, tar energinya disimpan jadi lemak. ja-ngan!" *brb ke indomaret* *beli gekikara ramen goreng* *eh ada taro waffle, beli juga ah* Aku lagi masuk siklus hormonal, oke? #alasanklasik Eh bener kook, dalam kondisi normal, mana mau gue makan mie (dih). Masih bisa dikontrol, maksudnya.. Kadang udah masuk siklus hormonal juga masih bisa ditahan, tapi.. yang tadi aku khilaf :') Pertanyaan klasik sih, tapi siapa yang ga suka mie? Siapa? SIAPA?? (santai wey). Mie, makanan yang ditemukan di zaman Dinasti Han. Yang udah diolah jadi berbagai jenis dan rasa, jadi penyelamat perut mahasiswa, yang menemani di sela-sela percakapan tengah malam di warkop.. Aku Rasanya yang kenyal, lembut saat dikunyah, rasanya yang lumer dan menyatu di dalam mulut.. Ah, mie... Aku padamu.. Aku cintaa

this is a place for zero mistake

where you'll get blamed for things you made and how you act will get you slayed and what you think is not relayed this is a place where money rules and this was not taught in schools and you just wish you are not fools hoping life won't ridicule this is a place for zero mistake oh God please give me a break.

I feel stupid

There's nothing frustrating (at least for me) than feeling stupid. Definition of stupid : "Lacking in intelligence or exhibiting the quality of having been done by someone lacking in intelligence." (Wiktionary) That's right, lacking in intelligence. I like smart people, they use advanced words to express their knowledge. I can learn from them. Their depth and wide understanding on how this world works, their wide vocabularies when having philosophical arguments or such.. But at the same time, I feel stupid and damn, I can not understand any of this. Did I not use my time wisely before? What have I learnt this whole life? It's like 6th grader all over again. Everyone understood the topic our teacher explained, and there I was feeling like an idiot because I understood nothing. These smart people must be laughing at us primitives.

How's the adulthood taste, bro?

Sour, mate. I acknowledge that people are demanding that there should be lessons at school on how to do your tax, or how to manage your finance, or how to count your alms (for Muslims). And I finally feel what all the fuss is about. Indeed. We need to learn about those practical skills before entering adulthood. A place where you get slapped and punched by responsibilities, and living expenses. I am not trained for adulthood. I learned about tax back in university but I didn't practice, so that won't make any difference for life after university. I learned a lesson on how to count your alms back in school, but honey, it was ages ago. And I didn't even finish my online course at Future Learn about managing money. In this desperate time, I really need a time machine so I could just go back to my childhood where the challenges were just facing bullies. That's right. At the moment I do think bullies are not as scary as responsibilities. I could just cry and ignore b...

Being pregnant in Jakarta

It's tough. Especially if you're a working-pregnant woman who commutes everyday using commuter line train and TransJakarta bus. Yes, there are special seats for pregnant women in the train and the TransJakarta, but you just can't help it when it's rush hour and you're departing from the 3rd-4th-5th-and more stations or bus shelters where the mentioned public transportation are already filled and crowded from other commuting people (hah, what an ineffective sentence). I witnessed, several freaking times, where I saw pregnant woman stands in the middle of crowded passengers, both on the train and the bus. Trying to hold and protect their tummy from the pressure. Oh, I'd give my seat, if I myself were sitting. And of course I helped them to find a seat and sit down. But that one time I couldn't help her to sit down as the priority seats in front of us were already full of pregnant woman. It really bothers me the whole ride because we can't move either, ...

Good bye, words

The words are walking around And she grabs them, word by word, places them on her mind, arranges them in order "I have them, but they don't have me" Those words mean something, she says They are representing something And then she chases more words She's hoping her heart would be at ease Words are running faster Then she manages to catch them all "I would do anything for them" She's catching her breath But that was hard, she says Why are they running? I'll stop, she says I'm always looking for the words But they never look for me I, I give up.. It's been a good time, a great time But it was one way, not the other Then she let those words go It's a good bye

16 Februari 2015

16 Februari 2015, 08:30 Awak duduak di kursi, sadang manunggu mbak Rini yang ka maagiah tau awak tentang magang iko. Iyo, awak karajo. Walaupun magang tapi saindaknyo awak ado kegiatan, ado karajo, basalang satu minggu abis wak wisuda. Ndak banyak urang yang langsuang dapek kesempatan karajo mode awak, jadi awak bersyukur. Tapi beda jo ama wak, agak barek hatinyo caliak awak cuma jadi anak magang. Jujur awak agak sadiah. Tapi baa lah, yo namonyo gaek pasti nionyo anak dapek karajo tetap abis wisuda. Apo lai anaknyo talambek lulus.. Ah, abaikan lah. Sampai ma wak tadi? Oiyo, awak sadang manunggu mbak Rini, yo? Bara kali wak mancaliak ado staf mudo kalua lewat pintu di muko awak. Mengabaikan awak yang lah mode urang ongok di kantua urang. "Bolok lai ko", berkali-kali wak bapikia mode tu. Tapi yo mungkin kayak gitu yo.. tahun lalu awak magang sumantu ko juo. Duduak sambia manunggu urang tibo. Rasonyo lah baabaik-abaik awak duduak. Lamoo bana.. Akhirnyo tibo juo mbak Rini...