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How's the adulthood taste, bro?

Sour, mate.

I acknowledge that people are demanding that there should be lessons at school on how to do your tax, or how to manage your finance, or how to count your alms (for Muslims). And I finally feel what all the fuss is about.

Indeed. We need to learn about those practical skills before entering adulthood. A place where you get slapped and punched by responsibilities, and living expenses.

I am not trained for adulthood. I learned about tax back in university but I didn't practice, so that won't make any difference for life after university. I learned a lesson on how to count your alms back in school, but honey, it was ages ago. And I didn't even finish my online course at Future Learn about managing money.

In this desperate time, I really need a time machine so I could just go back to my childhood where the challenges were just facing bullies. That's right. At the moment I do think bullies are not as scary as responsibilities. I could just cry and ignore bullies. Responsibilities? I can only whine but not ignore them

I might have lost my mind..

Not to mention people also need to attend social event for the sake of their own social life. And by social event, I meant, wedding party. Yea, I didn't do that, attending weddings. Not intentionally, but it just happened that way. I didn't attend most of my cousins' weddings (mostly because of the lack of fund owned to buy plane tickets), I didn't attend my friends' wedding (my hand can count the total weddings attended) because of..
1. no mutual friends attend the wedding, and I hate going alone
2. the wedding is in different city, different province, different island
3. I wasn't invited
To be honest, I actually felt horrible. But then I remembered my presence would not really matter so.. dude, think about it as a win-win.

Okay let's see, what else I could see from this adulthood point of view..

Of course, how much money you can earn with your degree, or what kind of job do you have, or what kind of restaurant, places, have you been with your own money..

And it will only result the temptation to compare. Comparing yourself with your friend is bad enough, all the more your parents add the tension. Voila! Congratulations on feeling frustrated!

So far, I will handle this adulthood responsibilities by learning how to tax, how to count alms, and how to manage personal finance. But I'm still struggling to keep my social life, adjusted. I have low energía and it's so friggin hard to ask how people are doing. I hardly have energy at the end of the day :( why don't you just ask me about how I'm doing? I'll be so delighted if you ask.

What? You don't care? Okay..

Dang it. This post is so whimsical...


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