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Beta kurang tahu siapa yang mempopulerkannya, namun sejak SD sepertinya istilah "Dari Hongkong" sudah mulai sering digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan: "Dari mana? - Beli di mana?", dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain yang membutuhkan jawaban berupa suatu tempat. Namun, Mama (kakak dari Papa) semenjak kembali dari tanah suci usai menjalankan ibadah Haji, punya jawaban yang berbeda. Anak: "Ma, baju aku di mana?" Mama: "Di Padang Arafah" --" (mama plz) Padang Arafah sendiri merupakan tempat di mana jemaah haji berkumpul untuk melakukan Wukuf, yang merupakan inti dari ibadah Haji. Ibadah Wukuf dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 Dzulhijjah, atau pada tahun ini 2015 sistem penanggalan Masehi, jatuh pada tanggal 23 September. Istimewanya, apabila kita yang tidak melakukan ibadah haji melaksanakan puasa pada tanggal 9 Dzulhijjah ini (dengan baik dan benar), maka insya Allah dosa-dosa kita pada tahun ini dan tahun depan akan digugurkan/dihap...

oh life

I am unemployed. Technically I am just a fresh graduate. But can a-graduate-since-6-months-ago be called a fresh graduate? does this thing have an expired date? whatever it's called, I still have no jobs. I sent like tons of my resume through company websites, via email, and a platform for job seekers like jobstreet and jobsdb. and it is a big 0. I am so proud of myself. I figuratively have nothing to do. My daily activities are not far from laptop, bathroom, kitchen, and warung makan . This is exactly what I am not prepared. Unemployed. sigh. So basically I have different things to be whined about every year. There's a year where I was depressed because of my senior thesis, a year where I was worried about my college, a year about my relationship with people, and most of the years about my family. And it is time for 2015 that I worry about jobs, and.... future. When I was in high school, when I was that naive bitch, I told my friend about life after high school. Grad...

Photos' Stories 4 - Research Edition

This has been such an amazing (and depressing year in my life). The main theme and the biggest thing that I concern is finishing my undergraduate school, and I am really glad I could finish it in this very year, 2014 (although I was late for like 1 semester, but I couldn't ask for more. I am eternally grateful, Yaa Allah). I had an amazing field research, too. I posted the photos on my instagram but I felt like this blog deserves more. So I compile them and share them here again. So here I go Kiri: Kapal yang sedang dibangun Kanan: Kapal yang sudah hancur Kanan atas: Kapal yang berfungsi Saya sedang berjalan-jalan ke arah Pulau Kelapa (yang sudah dihubungkan dengan jalan dari Pulau Harapan) waktu saya melihat 3 jenis kapal ini. Sebagai warga pulau (terutama pulau pemukiman di Kepulauan Seribu), alat transportasi utama yang digunakan adalah sepeda, motor, dan kapal atau perahu. How awesome it would be when people ask about your vehicle, and you'd say,"Oh, I...

attempt xxxxxxxxxx

this would be my several attempt to take and change a topic in my senior thesis. I lost confidence. I suddenly feel like I can't write things. So I figured maybe I need something to trigger me. That is why I am going to write something in this blog. I am gonna skip my pity party and unexpected parties in my life (including my trip to sg and my) and will type everything in my mind here. Earth is covered mostly with water right? So that means maybe there are lots of creature in there than in the land. But dolphins who has bigger brain than human don't destroy seas, their home. Human does. We human destroy the land, and destroy the seas. We cut the trees and we catch the fish. We destroy orang utan's forest sweet forest yet we catch the fish to eat by destruct their home also. It's like human doesn't have manners. Forget the nature, and becoming more and more selfish everyday. Nothing can stop human doing things like this except human. So, we need to set some kind of...

Earth Hour

I think first time I heard about earth hour was 4 or 5 years ago. Younger me wanted to celebrated it and tried to turn of lamps and electronic devices in my parents' house. My mom then got upset and told me no need to do that. She contended that saving energy should not be celebrated, it is the must thing to do. Well, I couldn't argue with her, because the fact is we were often reminded to turn off lamps, water, and television whenever we're not using it. 2011, the first time I got a chance to celebrate Earth Hour in my dormitory. I was a freshman back then, and I turned off my rice cooker, my fan, unplugged my laptop charger, and turned off the only lamp in my room. 2012, I got my chance to be a part of the first ever Earth Hour in Depok. I was in the event section, and I was a liaison officer for stand up comedy and accustic performances. 2013, I celebrated Earth Hour in my rent room. And I regret that I couldn't ask my house-mates to participate in Earth...



"ngerandom yuk!" Dua kata ini kayanya udah lama banget gue denger. Tapi sejauh ini, gue belum pernah ikutan ngerandom sama orang yang ngajakin. Biasanya sih karena pas banget bentrok sama janji lain, atau guenya lagi ga mood. Tapi bukan berarti gue ga pernah ngerandom. Sering banget malah. Besoknya uas, gue malah jalan ke margo, muter-muter dari bawah sampai atas, terus pulang. Atau tiba-tiba pengen beli satu barang (ya, satu barang) dan harus naik krl ke jakarta, yaudah gue langsung pergi. Atau, abis dari tempat magang gue pengen jalan kaki, yaudah gue jalan kaki. Kadang nyangkut di ratu plaza, kadang nyangkut di fx, pacific place, dan juga pernah jalan kaki sampai stasiun sudirman. Dari PU ke stasiun sudirman jauh lho.. Atau lagi, cuma pengen ikut acara di atamerica atau ada pesta HUT DKI. Kalau gue lagi mood, ada duit, lagi ga ada acara, ya gue langsung ke tkp.. Tapi, ya itu. Gue keseringan jalan sendiri </3 No. Gue sih ga masalah sendiri. Enakan sendiri sih, kalau m...