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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2012

amazing weekend

I went to Kota Tua and Monas last Friday with my housemates. I actually doubted that I could go there considering that I still had remaining undone tasks that had to be done. but since I've had the busiest week ever in May (meetings, assignments..), I decided to leave it and grab the rarest chance ever, spending time with my housemates, since we have this unmatched schedule. so we went to Kota Tua and we took a lot (trust me, A LOT) of photos with Laura's camera ;) and when the twilight touched this part of Indonesia, we set our feet to trans jakarta shelter and headed to Monas. even when hadn't touch the front gate of Monas, we already took so many pictures! hahaha you can imagine when a bunch of girls holding a camera.. we just can't hold the passion of taking pictures.. lol when we finally went back to our house, I immediately took a bath, and reached my bed to sleep because I was extremely exhausted, but happy! :D the next day, on Saturday morning, my friend asked...

night post

hiya stranger! jadi malam ini judulnya.. I miss graffiti so much! gue lagi kangen-kangennya sama temen-temen sekelas gue di sma. alhasil gue ngepoin facebook mereka, liat-liat notes yang pernah dibikin waktu sma, liat-liat foto "sekeluarga", ngomenin foto yang komennya udah sampai 4300, dan ngubah foto kovernya jadi foto graffiti <3 ngetawain komen-komen geblek zaman dulu, dan terharu. gue pernah sekelas sama mereka ya? teman-teman yang menurut gue sangat ah-mazing :D gue.. kangen. dan gue muterin lagu officially missing you khusus buat mereka. I love you guys.. I wish we could meet up soon, full team. by the way, tomorrow is tuesday and I'll have MPS quiz. gue bahkan belom belajar. minggu ini bakalan jadi minggu terhectic sepanjang Mei karna tugas yang menurut gue itu combo sepuluh jutah (lebai ghin). belom lagi fakta bahwa 3 minggu lagi udah uas dan sebelum itu ada makalah-makalah dan review yang harus dikumpulin. belum lagi ntar ada seminar research design mps ta...